
Featuring Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Romance and more!

Infernal Bonds (Infernal Hunt Book 2)

Infernal Bonds: Infernal Hunt – Book Two

A kick-ass female protagonist tries to stop a pair of hellhounds from bringing about literal Hell on Earth.

Infernal Bonds is the first full novel in the Infernal Hunt series and works as book one in the series.

Not only is it a blood moon, but there’s a rare celestial alignment that means the veils between the worlds are much more fragile than usual. That allows chaos to reign over the city for one night. Shades play pranks on tourists, redcaps take advantage and run wild, and two sinfully sexy hellhounds slip through.

The redcaps are easily wrangled, the shades are mildly amusing, but the hellhounds are another thing entirely. They evade capture and remain in the city once the moon sets. Two hounds, with two entirely different agendas. One wants freedom. The other wants to bring about Hell on Earth. And he has help.

About the Author
Holly Evans is an urban fantasy author with an unhealthy fascination with blades, a deep love of hellhounds, and would love one day to wake up as a fae. When she isn’t wrangling rogue characters and trying to tame her muse, she’s researching shiny new ninja moves. During her spare time she fights crime and rights wrongs on the streets of Prague.


Categories: Urban Fantasy / PNR

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