
Featuring Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Romance and more!

Hedgehog Tales

Hedgehog Tales

A collection of ancient folktales retold in modern English.


One of the many tales I told my granddaughter when she was a toddler was The Hedgehog Prince. It has also been a favorite told by my alter ego – Doriana, the Dragon Lady – at Sherwood Forest Faire. Since hedgehogs are such cute animals, I (of course) had to find more tales featuring them!

One of the things I like best about folktales is seeing how different elements pop up and change a basic story, making each one similar yet unique. The tales in this collection are excellent examples of this morphing. Also, each one has been retold in modern English and is suitable for both reading and oral storytelling.

From readper:
We featured Jennifer Wiginton’s Baba Yaga Tales in 2018.


Hedgehog Tales

Categories: Science Fiction / Fantasy

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