
Featuring Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Romance and more!

Tag: author erme lander

Blood Lore

Blood Lore Descriptions so real you can smell the blood, sweat and tears.   “The saw rasped against bone and Mika clenched her jaw as her own teeth remembered the red stained ivory sliding beneath them. A crack of powerful muscles and the marrow laid bare. Ears back, eyes hooded – watching. She knows the man will die on the table.” After five years of hard study, Mika has achieved […]

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The Lion of Ackbarr

The Lion of Ackbarr A young girl struggles to contain her inner beast.   Fifteen year old Mika is to be married to a foreign boy she has only met once, despite her family mourning the recent disappearance of her twin brother, Kaylan. Forced to live in a strange land, far from her home in Cassai, she is resigned to her life as a lady until the day she discovers […]

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