
Featuring Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Romance and more!

The Greatest SF Stories of Philip K. Dick

The Greatest SF Stories of Philip K. Dick

34 titles in one volume.


Second Variety
The Variable Man
Adjustment Team
The Hanging Stranger
The Eyes Have It
The Skull
Mr. Spaceship
Beyond the Door
Beyond Lies the Wub
The Golden Man
The Gun
The Defenders
Tony and the Beetles
The Crystal Crypt
Upon the Dull Earth
Piper in the Woods
Of Withered Apples
The Unreconstructed M
The Turning Wheel
The Last of the Masters
James P. Crow
Prominent Author
Small Town
Survey Team
Sales Pitch
Breakfast at Twilight
The Crawlers
Exhibit Piece
Strange Eden
Human Is
Foster, You’re Dead

From readper:
A lot of great movies have been made from Philip K. Dick’s stories. This is a collection of older titles appearing in magazines that provide hours of great reading for fans of classic science fiction. You might even notice a film plot or two amidst the twists and turns.


The Greatest SF Stories of Philip K. Dick


Categories: Science Fiction / Fantasy

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