
Featuring Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Romance and more!


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MerSea Series Book 1.


Wounded by her parents’ traumatic divorce and content with no love life, marine biologist Sarah Sumner is determined to fight for those who have no voice.

Aboard the anti-whaling vessel, the MerSea, she throws smoke bombs and creates mayhem for the Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean with Gunner, a fellow deckhand. His compassion and gallows humor make a warm, lasting impression that could melt the ice in Antarctica.

At the end of the campaign, Sarah is stung by a mutant stingray in Australia where she begins morphing into a mermaid. She heads home to California, returning to her job at the Mobi Institute with a secret, not to mention an identity crisis.

While mooring the tempest of her freakish body, she must choose either to advance her career or to continue her expeditions. She longs to save sharks from being finned, but if she returns to the MerSea she can still save lives and explore the waters with Gunner.

Hurt by her father abandoning her years ago and apprehensive about Gunner’s fresh divorce is a shipwreck waiting to happen. And how would they start a relationship with a tail?



Categories: Urban Fantasy / PNR

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