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Tag: Pam of Babylon

Pam of Babylon

Pam of Babylon If you like romance series with twists and turns, then you’ll love the Pam of Babylon Series.   When Jack has a heart attack on the train from  Manhattan, Pam and Jack’s two lovers discover secrets and lies, and each other, in this contemporary romance with a touch of noir. In a tale of marriage and betrayal, Pam’s friendships and sisterly love are stretched to the limit. […]

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Second Chance

Second Chance: Pam of Babylon 15 Lisa wonders if love at first sight is real. Is this her second chance?   Just when life settles down to a dull roar for those people whom Pam holds closest to her heart, the pendulum swings in the opposite direction and everyone is tossed into the air. Who will they hold onto as they fall back to earth? Gladys finds the son she […]

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The Liberation of Ravenna Morton

The Liberation of Ravenna Morton Lover’s secrets exposed to the world Ravenna would rather not have to deal with secrets from the past, but Esme, a young woman from White Plains has different ideas as she digs to uncover the tragedies of Ravenna Morton’s youth. In the meantime, a chance for a new life begins for Esme when she meets Wiley Hoffman, the heartthrob of the village Ravenna Morton is […]

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